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Friday, May 1, 2015

Where will you spend your holiday with minimum budget

Long holiday, where do you spend your holiday, but when you have no money???Having holiday doesn't mean spending a lot of money at all, we can spend holiday with minimum budget, like I did today......
Well..... I think this place will be your reference, because you don't have to spend much money to play in this place.

Park Town, that is the place I called this park. Located in North Bekasi, precious in Terrace Gading village, Villa Mutiara Gading 3. you can come here with your family, and maybe your friend. This place is suitable for family to spend time together.

And these are the activities you can do in this place :

1. Riding horse
Riding horse is one of activities you can do in this place, with only pay 10,000 IDR, you can ride a horse for 15 menutes. but if you don't have any bravery riding horse you can choose hoer-drawn buggy, that is a horse which has cart behind.

2. Rally motors
As its name, this game is about racing, not exactly racing I mean... 😄
You should pay 13,000 IDR to play this.

3. Playground

This is the free zone in this area, you don't need to pay to play this one, beside the playground there is free space where teenagers and parents wait while their children are playing.

4. Thomas the Train
Yeah.. this is Thomas, the famous train.... by taking Thomas the Train, you will able to sorround the whole area, with only 8,000 IDR, cheap enough I think.

5. Family Bike
There is also bike family, you can ride aroynd the area with this bike, the price for this bike is 13,000 IDR, but I didn't ride this one,because I was too tired to cycle... 😄😄
And the last one we choose to play fishing

6. Fishing
Fishing is the cheapest activities in this area, only 3,000 IDR, you can play as long as you want..... and when you are finished, they will give you a fish (real fish), hahaha... and children like to play this, even for me, it is a little bit boring.

Having holiday is not always about spending a lot of money, we can go to the place where we don't have to spend a lot, I just spend less than 100,000 IDR to make my daughter happy. Quality time, is more important, no matter where you spend the holiday, it is all about whom you spend the holiday with.
That is all what we were going through today, and I hope you can give me your story spending holiday.
Thank you friends.

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