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Six Types Of Collocation

Hello friend, It’s my pleasure to meet you again on my article. I hope that you are not going to be bored reading my article…..:) The first time I heard about the word “collocation” is when I got test applying my first job as English tutor. I didn’t know what the meaning was at that time, how ashamed I was knowing that I didn’t know anything about collocation, but the weird is,

How to speak English fluently

Many people have different reason to learn English, we can agglomerate them as two large criteria, they are group which has purpose to speak fluently, and another group is which has purpose for academic purpose or writing purpose. By knowing our purpose learning English we can easily find out the best method we can use to reach our goal.

25 Kesalahan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris

Sebagai orang yang sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris, membuat kesalahan kesalahan saat berlatih adalah hal yang wajar dan kesalahan – kesalahan dibawah ini kerap sekali terjadi, namun kalo tidak membuat kesalahan,maka kita tidak akan mengetahui kesalahan kita kan….

Bingung cari kursus bahasa Inggris?

Sengaja aku menulis artikel ini, bukan bermaksud promosi…. Tapi ya, kalo bos aku liat aku dan suka dengan tulisanku, ya… kali aja dapet bonus ya dikantor… hahaha (ngarep beut ya), mencari kursus bahasa asing di jakarta memang gampanng – gampang susah, terlebih semua mempunyai keunggulannya masing masing. Salah satunya adalah KUMON bahasa Inggris, franchaise.

Games for English class

As a teacher, specially an English teacher, we are demanded to be creative, more creative we are, more knowledge the students will get. And one of the ways to teach English creatively is through the game. Since a long time ago, the language experts have already proved that learning language through game is more effective.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Consonant, Vowel and Difthong


Consonant is a speech sound that is articulated with complete or closure of the vocal tract. to avoid the ambiguous sound, you should learn IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)

There are 21 consonants letters in English with 24 consonants sounds in most of English. I didn't learn linguistic deeply.

Beside the consonant letters, as miss +Santi Awati​​ had said, the sound "th", "ch" are also consonant for a single sound.
And letter "x" has two consonants sound which is "ks"


Vowel is a speech sound in which the mouth is open and the tongue is not touching the top of the mouth, the a,i,u,o, e, The letter "Y" can be both consonant and vowel. In the word "yellow" the "y" is a consonant, but in the word happy, the "y" is a vowel.


difthong as I have asked to my master mr +Anton Ardyanto​​ had said. That difthong is the sound which you pronounce as 2 vowels. There are many difthong in English linguistic, such as :

ei : rate, may, say, afraid, remain
The letter "a" is difthong as it pronounce as "ei".

ai : combine, arrive, smile
The letter "i" is diftong as it pronounce as "ai"

au : how, cow, browser
The letter "ow" is difthong as it pronounce as "au".

oi : joy, toy, loyal, destroy
The letter "oy" is difthong as it pronounce as "oi".

The important thing you should remember about difthong is, that is the way you pronounce, not the way its written.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Cara Membedakaan Contraction 'd dan 's

Dalam penulisan bahasa inggris maupun pengucapannya, terkadang kita menggunakan contraction untuk menyingkat kata, namun kadang membingungkan bagi kita yang belum terbiasa dengan penyingkatan kata ini, saya selalu menganjurkan seseorang yang belajar bahasa inggris untuk menggunakan kata yang tidak disingkat agar mudah memahami dan menambah vocabulary, setelah kita mengerti kalimat lengkapnya barulah kita dapat menyingkat kata dengan contraction, sehingga terhindar dari kebingungan.
Dalam kaitannya menyingkat kata, ada beberapa contraction yang umum digunakan dalam bahasa inggris, diantaranya :
  • ’ve =  have
  • ’s =  is / has
  • ’d = would / had
  • ’re = are
  • ‘ll = will
  • ‘m = am
Perhatikan contraction diatas, ada 2 contraction yang dapat membingungkan kita yaitu ‘d dan ‘s karena ada 2 arti yaitu is dan has, would dan had, lalu bagaimana kita membedakannya?? Kita akan membuat suatu contoh kalimat agar mudah dipahami.

Contraction ‘d

Perhatikan contoh dibawah ini :
  • I’d buy a nice house for us
  • She’d bought a beautiful dress for her party.
Pada kalimat “ I’d buy a nice house for us” contraction I’d bermakna I would, sedangkan pada kalimat She’d bought a beautiful dress for her party, contraction She’d bermakna she had.
Untuk membedakan antara would dengan had sebenarnya cukup mudah, yaitu kita melihat kata kerja yang digunakan setelah contraction, makna would selalu diikuti olah kata kerja 1 atau to infinitive, sedangkan makna had selalu disertai dengan kata kerja ke 3.
Contoh lainnya :
  • I’d like to invite you to my house = I would like to invite you to my house.
  • She’d give you good advice = she would give you good advice.
  • You’d be better ask him about this = you would be better ask him about this.
  • We’d been to French = We had been to French.
  • It’d gone = it had gone.

Contraction ‘s

Pada contraction ‘s ini, dapat mempunyai makna is dan has, namun kata has yang dimaksud disini adalah auxiliary has, bukan kata kerja has.
Contoh dalam kalimat :
  • He’s a doctor
  • She’s got flu
Pada kalimat He’s a doctor, mempunyai arti he is a doctor, sedangkan pada kalimat she’s got flu, mempunyai arti she has got flu. Untuk membedakannya, kita harus melihat kata setelah contraction ‘s, bila kata setelahnya adalah kata kerja ke 3, maka dapat dipastikan itu bermakna has, namun bila kata kerja yang menyertai adalah kata kerja berakhiran –ing atau kata benda, maka itu adalah is.
Contoh lainnya
  • He’s driving a car = he is driving a car.
  • She’s a housewife = she is a housewife.
  • He’s been a doctor for 3 years = he has been a doctor for 3 years.
  • She’s studied for her exam = she has studied for her exam.
Namun, dalam bahasa inggris verb “has” jarang digunakan atau tidak lazim digunakan sebagai kata kerja, contohnya:
  • She has 3 cars, tidak lazim disingkat She’s 3 cars, atau
  • He has a cute pet, tidak dapat disingkat menjadi He’s a cute pet.
Okay, sampai disini dulu penjelasannya, semoga bermanfaat…