Friday, April 24, 2015

Six types of collocation 
Hello friend,
It’s my pleasure to meet you again on my article. I hope that you are not going to be bored reading my article…..:)
The first time I heard about the word “collocation” is when I got test applying my first job as English tutor. I didn’t know what the meaning was at that time, how ashamed I was knowing that I didn’t know anything about collocation, but the weird is, I could answer it with my intuition and my hatch, hahahha…. I am smiling when I remember that time.
Now, after that experience, I was curious about what collocation was. I had been looking from every source which explains about this “collocation”.

What is collocation?
This is the meaning of “collocation” according to Cambridge dictionary:

1.     “a word or phrase that is often used with another word or phrase, in a way that sounds correct to people who have spoken the language all their lives, but might not be expected from the meaning.”
2.     “The combination of words formed when two or more words are often used together in a way that sound correct”

Why should we learn?

Knowing collocation will improve your English speaking and writing skill because: 
  • Using wrong collocation is an error. 
  •  Using correct collocation will show the level of your English, the better you use collocation, the better your English will be. 
  •  Using correct collocation makes your English more like a native speaker.

What techniques can we use to help us learning collocation?

  • Read newspaper, magazine or even story in English. 
  •  As you read, connect the keywords and make a line between them. 
  • Use different highlighters for every type of collocation. 
  •  Write down the example which you find from the article onto your notebook. 
  •  Organize your collocation list into its pattern, which I show you below.

How many types of collocation in English?
Well…. According to my information which I have read, there are six main types of collocation, they are:

1.     Adjective + noun
There are many adjective which can gather with noun, but I will write some adjectives to give you obvious example. Here are the examples of collocation adjective + noun
Ø He has been a heavy smoker and drinker all his adult life.
Ø She speaks English quite well but with strong French accent.
Ø They have a hard life and worked through a hard time. We don’t have hard evidence that they had used hard drugs.
Ø The doctor ordered him to take regular exercise.
Ø The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage.

2.     Noun + noun (such as collective noun)
Ø I would like to buy two bars of soaps
Ø There is a glass of water on the table.
Ø Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
Ø He will give a bar of chocolate to his girlfriend on Valentine ’s Day.
Ø Her bouquet of flower is the best of all

3.     Verb + noun
Ø I always try to do my homework in the morning after making my bed
Ø Do you think the bank would forgive a debt?
Ø We are going to have lunch together, would you like to join??
Ø Every day, I take a shower at 6 o’clock

4.     Adverb + adjective
Ø This test is ridiculously easy! I didn’t even study, but I will get high score.
Ø Janet is a highly successful businesswoman. She owns several restaurants and hotels around the country.
Ø That is utterly ridiculous. She didn’t steal your favorite book. She wasn’t even in the office yesterday.
Ø Roger is strongly opposed to anything bad for health. He doesn’t eat junk food at all.
Ø Are you okay? I am deeply concerned about you. You have been desperate since you lost your job.

5.     Verbs+ prepositional phrase (phrasal verb)
Ø Their behavior was enough to drive anybody to crime
Ø We had to return home because we had run out of money
Ø I am going to look up the meaning in the dictionary
Ø She is going to dress up for her first date with him.
Ø You have to make up your mind before doing something.

6.     Verb +adverb
Ø Mary whispered softly in John’s ear.
Ø The boy speaks politely, and is very well-behaved.
Ø The accident happened because he was driving dangerously.
Ø After 2 years in London, he speaks English fluently.
Ø I waited patiently, but she never came.

Well…. I think it is enough for me to write about collocation, I hope that we will meet again on my next article.


  1. So, there's still a relationship between phrasal verb and collocation?

  2. thanks my sister, now i'm understand about collocation :) keep sharing...

  3. Terimakasih, postingan-nya sangat bagus sekali. Senang sekali berkunjung ke blog anda. saya bantu share ya gan? semoga dapat bermanfaat buat kita semua. Amin :D :D

  4. hello
    I have seen your blog it impressed me.
    good work but you need some more changes in your post.

  5. This is really helpful post, thanks for sharing the post. But write something about kinds of verb as well that i am really looking forward to.

  6. Thank for writing this article its very helpful keep it up ;)
